© 2015. All artwork is under the protection of copyright law. The artist, Anya Holloway holds exclusive rights over artwork and reproductions. Attempts to copy, reproduce, or create derivative works is prohibited.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Self Portrait...

Self Portrait... Ink on Paper and Such

Every Artist is supposed to at least once, attempt a self portrait. I hate having my picture taken so this is a struggle. I taught a class today on this so thought, in the company of those who are like minded and non judgemental , I would give it a go. (Probably a good thing since I am supposed to be teaching it). No matter how we see ourselves, there is no convincing us that it is not how others view us. We would never believe them anyway if they told us. One of my crazy wishes, would be for all of us to see ourselves as others do. What an eye opener that would be.  Ok, so the representation of myself seems rather serious in this ink on paper plus other mediums, but it is not so......or is it? 

1 comment:

  1. i really really like this doll ;)


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